With training the body adapts over a period of time,this all depends on your current level of fitness as you tackle a program.Im finding each day different (some days good and some bad)
This week as been especially tough as I have started to introduce faster runs.
I will run through my week so far in abit more detail;
Monday: 56 minute run this morning.Body felt tired today,was a case of slogging it out.Total miles:8
Tuesday:Met with Kevin Moriarty for a run @ 6.45am and we ran around the phoenix park for 92minutes.
The schedule im doing involves three runs in excess of 90minutes.Total miles:12
Wednesday: my run club and ran with Finola who is new to running and has started running some 5k races.We ran at her steady pace for 32mins which was ideal for my warm up.
I headed out on the roads to do some Fartlek training.I will explain fartlek training at the end of this.I ran for 40minutes running from 30second-2mins @ 5-10k pace.felt great to open up my stride for a change.
Miles today:Morning run 4 and evening 10miles Total:14 miles
Thursday:long steady run for 50mins and picked up the pace in the second half finishing up @ sub 7minute miles for the last 6miles.Total miles:14
Fartlek training; Meaning is Speed play (Swedish) is a form of interval training which puts stress on the aerobic energy system due to the continious nature of the exercise. There are many types and time or distances will vary.You can make this workout as hard or as easy as you like.The biggest mistake runners make when using Fartlek is turning the session into a speed session and not a speed play session.
Just a note to say that our next run group session is this Sunday in the phoenix park at the popes cross @ 9am
There will be a loop of 25minutes for beginners and 50minutes for more serious runners.
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